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Synopsys Internet of Things

More and more industries are building IoT devices, however many are not familiar with the necessary measures needed to make software secure. Fortunately, they can leverage the (often painful) lessons learned by other industries (like banking and telecommunications) to get up to speed quickly and achieve greater maturity levels of IoT security. Why hackers are breaking into IoT IoT devices are making networks less secure. Many are connected to otherwise secure networks (such as those at large businesses) without IT fully understanding that a new set of devices is now part of the network. It’s important to understand that:
  1. What makes IoT devices smart and interoperate with other devices is software.
  2. If software is not designed to be secure, it will contain vulnerabilities and can be exploited to gain access to the device.
  3. If a device is infiltrated, data is exposed, and hackers can pivot to reach other connected targets on the network including the back-end application server.
The tide may be changing, but the rules have not 4 steps to a successful IoT security solution:
  1. Integrate security into every aspect of your SDLC.
  2. Educate your developers.
  3. Implement penetration testing.
  4. Perform threat modeling.
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Synopsys Seeker

Seeker, our interactive application security testing solution, gives you unparalleled visibility into your web app security posture and identifies vulnerability trends against compliance standards (e.g., OWASP Top 10, PCI DSS, GDPR, and CWE/SANS Top 25). Seeker enables security teams to identify and track sensitive data to ensure that it is handled securely and not stored in log files or databases with weak or no encryption. Seeker’s seamless integration into CI/CD workflows enables fast IAST security testing at DevOps speed. Seeker also determines whether a security vulnerability (e.g., XSS or SQL injection) can be exploited, thus providing developers with a risk-prioritized list of verified vulnerabilities to fix in their code immediately. Using patented methods, Seeker quickly processes hundreds of thousands of HTTP(S) requests, identifies vulnerabilities, and reduces false positives to near zero. This enables security teams to focus on actually verified security vulnerabilities first, greatly improving productivity and reducing business risk. It’s like having a team of automated pen testers assessing your web applications 24-7. Seeker applies code instrumentation techniques (agents) inside running applications and can scale to address large enterprise security requirements. It provides accurate results out of the box and doesn’t require extensive, lengthy configuration. With Seeker, your developers don’t have to be security experts, because Seeker provides detailed vulnerability descriptions, actionable remediation advice, and stack trace information and identifies vulnerable lines of code. Seeker continuously monitors any type of testing applied to web apps and seamlessly integrates with automated CI build servers and test tools. Seeker leverages these tests (e.g., manual QA of log-in pages or automated functional tests) to automatically generate multiple security tests. Seeker also includes Black Duck Binary Analysis, our software composition analysis (SCA) solution, which identifies third-party and open source components, known vulnerabilities, license types, and other potential risk issues. Seeker and Black Duck analysis results are presented in a unified view and can be sent automatically to Jira, so developers can triage them as part of their normal workflow. Seeker is ideal for microservices-based app development as it can bind together multiple microservices from a single app for assessment.
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