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Network Penetration Testing by Depth Security

Network Penetration Testing     

Simply understanding real-world information security threats and associated risks within the context of your organization has never been more difficult. Without an accurate understanding of exactly what your security posture looks like it's nearly impossible to know where to spend time and resources and in what order. We live in a world where the attackers are getting more sophisticated at a faster rate than the defenders are. The discovery of new vulnerabilities and ways to exploit them is an everyday occurrence. What was not vulnerable yesterday may be vulnerable today. Company’s network penetration testing services provide the quickest path to ground when you are trying to understand the real-world risk posed to your infrastructure, applications and users. They use the same techniques and tools that attackers do in order to actually show you what is possible rather than theorizing about it. Instead of guessing about impact and what "could" happen, they show you what can happen and provide play-by-play details of how and why exploitation occurred. They then provide prioritized tactical and strategic recommendations for how to address the issues discovered. Depth Security team provides this data in an easily consumable format for multiple audiences including executives, managers and technical staff.
  • External Discovery
It is difficult to defend yourself without knowing your complete attack surface. But more than ever, security leadership and staff are placed in that exact position. Perimeter Discovery service gives you a solid view of your external-facing systems and data. Experts go beyond simple DNS and IP enumeration to find what you don't know is out there.
  • External Network
Performed from the perspective of an internet-based attacker. Team simulates real-world attacks on your organization by focusing on internet-exposed assets and users.
  • Internal Network
Executed from the inside of your organization's network. These engagements simulate an attack by an agent with internal access to your network such as a rogue employee or contractor.
  • Wireless
Performed from the perspective of an attacker who is within wireless range. They evaluate the wireless network's security posture in the context of generally accepted network security "best practices."
  • Trusted Access
Performed from the perspective of an authorized entity with some level of access to your environment. Common scenarios include testing with the same level of access as partners and vendors connected to your organization's network through remote access technologies such as VPN, SSLVPN, Citrix, etc.
  • Continuous
 Penetration testing is most commonly performed annually, semi-annually or quarterly. These engagements offer a "point-in-time" perspective on the security of an organization.  Continuous penetration testing begins with an initial annual penetration test as a starting point,followed by continuous, ongoing testing throughout the year.
  •  IoT (Internet of Things)
Depth Security’s team has identified and responsibly disclosed many vulnerabilities within popular IoT devices. Let them discover and exploit software and hardware flaws within your devices and services before someone else does.

Why Choose Depth Security?

  • Remediation Verification (Re-test) Included
  • Post-Assessment Debriefing Presentation Included
  • Prioritized, Short and Long-Term Recommendations
  • Executive, Management and Technical Reports
  • Real-World Attack Scenarios
  • Step-by-Step Exploitation
  • Mature, Experience-Driven Methodology
  • Thousands of Assessments Performed
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