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Videc IRMA

With IRMA® (Industry Risk Management Automisation), you can fall back on an effective industrial computer system that can be used to quickly identify and fight off cyberattacks. Without carrying out any kind of activity in your IT network, IRMA® constantly monitors your production plants, provides information on cyber attacks, and enables risk-based analysis, as well as an intelligent alarm system via a clearly-organized management console. This means that risks can be evaluated in good time and actions to stop an attack or to effectively mitigate its consequences can be initiated without hesitation. The particular highlight: from the current version, 18.06, the IT-SiG Sicherheitsstandard (B3S) Wasser / Abwasser [IT Security Act safety standard (B3S) for the water/wastewater sector] from the DVGW [German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water] and the DWA [German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste] (W1060/M1060) is integrated into the IRMA® security appliance. IRMA® was developed as an innovative, state-of-the-art IT solution and thus guarantees your ability to act in the event of a cyber attack. FUNCTIONS:
  • Cognitive anomaly recognition & immediate IT visualization.
  • Constant monitoring with a passive approach.
  • Swift usage – simple operability.
  • Integration of IT-SiG Sicherheitsstandard Wasser / Abwasser ­(W1060/M1060).
  • Optimal IT security state of the art.
  • Immediate recognition of anomalies in the IT network.
  • Passive automated monitoring.
  • Safeguarding of systems that cannot be patched e.g. Windows NT/2000/XP, old PLCs, OPC Classic.
  • Safeguarding of certified production plants and processes without re-certification (e.g. for the pharmaceutical, chemical or food sectors).
  • Immediately ready for use thanks to its simple installation and manufacturer-independent concept.
  • Complete oversight and security for your IT systems, network connections, and data connections.
  • Integrated alarm management for cybersecurity incidents.
  • In real-time constant monitoring, recognition of attacks and reporting.
  • Methodical tool for targeted risk analysis, as well as support in firewall parameterization.
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