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You need to manage your remote IoT devices but, you must also keep them secure from cyber and physical attacks. CyberGuardian is the only product that can both monitor all operational data from your IoT systems and securely manage them as well. CyberGuardian is the perfect solution for remotely monitoring critical IoT systems including:
  • Inverters
  • Backup Generators
  • Uninterruptible Power Supplies
  • Rectifiers
  • Lighting Systems
All of these systems communicate with legacy protocols that are vulnerable to being hacked by anyone with the will to do so.  These protocols are listed below with links to peer-reviewed research showing their specific vulnerabilities to cyber, physical and operational attacks:
  • SNMP
  • Modbus
  • BACnet
Hackers now routinely target monitoring systems that use these protocols due to the lack of security between the SNMP, Modbus and BACnet devices and the monitoring consoles.  In order to securely monitor any system with one of these protocols, you need to go beyond open monitoring of your remote sites and, instead provide full site protection from Cyber, Physical and Operational problems.  CyberGuardian’s patented technology provides the world’s first truly secure remote monitoring platform for your IoT devices and it provides complete protection from all threats to your site and its equipment. CyberGuardian stops hackers dead in their tracks with its integrated firewall to block ANY attempt to connect with the systems that it monitors and protects.  In addition, as it monitors data from your critical SNMP, Modbus and BACnet-base systems, CyberGuardian uses its onboard analytics to continuously scan for any potential cyber, physical or operational anomaly.  It regularly sends all information gathered from your systems via a Military-Grade encrypted link to our secure AlphaGuardian Cloud Server. CyberGuardian secures all IIoT systems that it monitors inside its Cyber-Safe-Envelope to provide you with fully secure monitoring capabilities from any location.
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