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Cato Networks Cloud-based Next Generation Firewall

The Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) appliance has been the cornerstone of network security for the past two decades. It applies deep packet inspection (DPI) and multiple security engines to inspect both inbound and outbound traffic and enforce a company’s security policy. The main characteristic of a NGFW is application awareness: the ability to detect and enforce policies on applications usage based on packet content rather than packet headers (source and destination IP addresses, ports and protocols).

A cloud-based NGFW (also known as Firewall as a Service) delivers a powerful, application-aware, enterprise-grade, elastic and scalable solution without the challenges of legacy appliance-based solutions.

Cato is providing a new kind of a Next Generation Firewall, one that is available everywhere the business does business without the need for discrete appliances. The Cato Cloud aggregates all enterprise traffic across data centers, branches, mobile users, and cloud infrastructure into a cloud network with built-in Next Generation Firewall . Cato enforces application-aware corporate security policy for WAN- and Internet-bound traffic.

Adaptable application awareness

Cato uses its cloud traffic visibility to quickly extend its detection of new applications without involving the customer. New application identification capabilities are immediately available to all customers.

Full visibility

As all WAN and Internet traffic goes through the Cato Cloud, there are no blind spots or need to deploy multiple appliances to cover all traffic.

Unrestricted cloud scalability

Cato can inspect any encrypted and unencrypted traffic with all supported security services and no impact on performance. Customers avoid sizing exercises or forced upgrades. Cato ensures there’s capacity so customers receive the full range of security services.

Full traffic inspection

Cloud-based inspection scale to support all traffic without the need for unplanned or forced upgrades.

Self-maintaining cloud service

Without the need to size, upgrade, patch or refresh appliances, customers are relieved of the ongoing grunt work of keeping network security current against emerging threats and evolving business needs.

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