Problems that solves
No IT security guidelines
Unauthorized access to corporate IT systems and data
Risk or Leaks of confidential information
Risk of attacks by hackers
Risk of data loss or damage
Risk of lost access to data and IT systems
Non-compliant with IT security requirements
Reduce Costs
Ensure Security and Business Continuity
Ensure Compliance
Thinkst Canary
Thinkst Canary is a system for alerting when bad stuff is happening on your network.
Every year, hundreds of companies only find out that they have been compromised when they are notified by a 3rd party.
This is a stupid problem!
Even companies that spend millions of dollars on their security have no idea if malicious insiders are trawling around where they shouldn't be.
This is a solvable problem.
Skilful adversaries move laterally within compromised networks for days or months before locating and exfiltrating a companies crown jewels.
This is a hidden opportunity.
Thinkst Canary changes this. Canary devices can be set up in under 5 minutes, even on complex networks, and emulate (down to its network signatures) a number of possible systems. Simply sprinkle canary devices around your network, configure your alert settings, and wait.
Attackers moving laterally, malicious insiders and APT all reveal their presence by interacting with your canaries.
Many security products promise the world, if you would just re-engineer your entire network or mold all your processes around them. These products demo well, but can usually be found months later, half configured and barely used.
Canaries install in under 5 minutes, and are 100% useful on installation.