Symantec Endpoint Protection

Problems that solves

Unauthorized access to corporate IT systems and data

Risk or Leaks of confidential information

Malware infection via Internet, email, storage devices

Risk of lost access to data and IT systems

Non-compliant with IT security requirements


Reduce Costs

Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Manage Risks

Symantec Endpoint Protection

Symantec Endpoint Protection - Proactively detect and block today’s most advanced threats with an endpoint protection solution that goes beyond antivirus.


Stop advanced threats with intelligent security   Last year, we saw 317 million new malware variants, with targeted attacks and zero-day threats at an all-time high. Organizations are struggling to keep up with the rapidly evolving threats. Symantec Endpoint Protection is designed to protect against advanced threats with powerful, layered protection backed by industry leading security intelligence.   Network Threat Protection stops most threats before they can take up residence on the machine Insight reputation scoring accurately detects rapidly mutating malware and zero-day threats SONAR™ behavioral analysis stops malicious files designed to appear legitimate Strong antivirus, antispyware and firewall protection eradicate known mass malware 14 Years a Leader in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Endpoint Protection Platforms.