Siege Technologies Hauberk

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

High costs of IT personnel

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers


Reduce Costs

Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Siege Technologies Hauberk

Hauberk uses fractionation to protect critical applications from trojan and malicious hardware attacks


Hauberk leverages fractionation to help mitigate the risk of malicious hardware and improve the trustworthiness of software protection systems. The Hauberk software protection suite uses a custom thin-hypervisor to support the fractionation of an application at runtime, which prevents a Trojan in any single location in the system from having too much information or influence over the application. This helps:
  • Minimize exploitation of a compromised system
  • Reduce the impact of a successful attack
  • Make the attacker’s tasks substantially more complex
  • Dramatically changes the attack surface
Hauberk Features:
  • Web interface and back-end command line interface allow for scripting and deployment on a set of servers
  • Seamless batch processing for generation of a large number of varying configurations
  • Fast processing time for generating large configurations
  • Scripting with normal build / regression testing suites