CSPi Aria Software Defined Security

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CSPi Aria Software Defined Security

CSPi is delivering portfolio of products and consulting solutions singularly focused on securing their customers critical business assets


The ARIA SDS platform is a radically different approach to comprehensive network and data security as it employs capabilities normally only found in carrier-class or military-grade architectures. When deployed on available optional hardware offerings it provides the high-availability and fast failover and service-level assurance features demanded in a carrier-class infrastructure. It also uses military communication techniques to protect from penetration and administrative eavesdropping from set-up through operation. Yet, even with this added layer of functionality, the deployment and overall platform management is simple as it is handled through advanced zero-touch provisioning techniques. How It Works The ARIA Software-Defined Security (SDS) platform can secure and encrypt containers and/or VMs as they spawn on-premise, private data centers or public cloud instances. The ARIA software automatically applies the organization’s appropriate contextually aware security policies. Additionally, the ARIA Orchestrator automatically discovers the SDSi and manages the application of the appropriate type and level of security services upon deployment. The central execution, across an entire organization, using a single pane of glass, ensures the desired access controls, micro-segmentation, encryption service types and levels, and other service techniques are correctly applied – no matter where the applications are running – whether it’s on premises, in the public cloud, or anywhere in between. Benefits: Achieve SecDevOps Balance the InfoSec requirement to maintain the consistent application of security policies and data protection with the desire of application developers for more agile and flexible DevOps practices. With ARIA, developers can simply select and connect to their applications for complete encryption. Gain a Cost-effective, End-to-End Security Solution The ARIA software defined security solution works with any enterprise infrastructure, is easy to deploy, and costs up to ten times less than other server host-based encryption solutions. Organizations that run critical security functions on the Myricom ARC Series SIA (versus the server processor) can expect cost savings in the need for fewer server upgrades and lower power consumption, while also achieving increased application performance. Secure Data at Rest, in Motion and in Use It’s not good enough to protect stored data. You must also have a solution for when it moves across the network, when it is accessed and used. ARIA applies the appropriate encryption policies by application, device, or data type – under any use and at any time. Improve Application and Server Performance Advanced security functions like encryption, micro-segmentation, or tokenization are CPU-intensive and, if run through local servers, may cause an unacceptable delay in application performance. The ARIA platform runs seamlessly with the Myricom ARC Series SIA, making it the ideal choice for server off-load. In addition the SIA serves as a zone of trust for keys, making them impenetrable to breaches.

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