Carbon Black (CB) ThreatSight

Problems that solves

Insufficient risk management

Low speed of report generation

No automated business processes


Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Generate Business Reports

Manage Risks

Carbon Black (CB) ThreatSight

Managed alert monitoring and triage services staffed by a dedicated team of seasoned threat experts who keep watch over your environment and notify your team of emerging threats


As enterprises face a shortage of skilled security professionals, security teams often spend too much time monitoring and validating alerts, which limits their ability to address other security needs. Moreover, when prevalent outbreaks occur, security team investigations are limited by the resources and data available in their own environment, making it difficult to craft an effective remediation plan until the full scope and root cause of an event is determined. CB ThreatSight helps solve these problems by providing an industry-leading, subscriptionbased monitoring service for CB Defense. Built directly on the CB Predictive Security Cloud™ (PSC) platform which applies big data analytics across unfiltered data from millions of endpoints, CB ThreatSight is staffed by a world-class team of security experts who are constantly studying and analyzing the data in the PSC using advanced machine learning and algorithmic toolsets. Offered as a managed service directly from Carbon Black, threat hunters on the CB ThreatSight team work side by side with you to validate and prioritize alerts, uncover newthreats, and accelerate investigations with capabilities such as predictive root cause reporting. Key Capabilities Threat Validation and Insight With round-the-clock eyes on glass, your team can have true peace of mind knowing that an additional layer of experts are helping to ensure threats don’t get missed. Carbon Black’s security experts work side by side with your own team to validate alerts and provide additional human insight to speed up remediation for improved stability and resource utilization. Monthly Reporting Our CB ThreatSight experts provide monthly reports that summarize monthly activity across your environment, including the most common suspicious events and most targeted machines. These reports serve as a starting point for refining policies, help your team see big picture trends and make executive reporting effortless. Outbreak Advisories Carbon Black’s Threat Analysis Unit constantly monitors threat trends across the globe. When widespread and newsworthy outbreaks occur our ThreatSight team sends out advisories that include indicators of compromise, giving your team a jump-start on assessing risk and closing gaps. FEATURES
  • Threat validation
  • Email alerting
  • Root cause analysis
  • Threat advisories
  • Monthly reporting

User features

Roles of Interested Employees

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Information Officer

Chief Technical Officer

Chief IT Security Officer

Organizational Features

GDPR Compliance

Internet access is available for employees