Bayshore Automation Defender

Problems that solves

No IT security guidelines

Unauthorized access to corporate IT systems and data

Risk or Leaks of confidential information

Employee personal use of corporate IT during working hours

Malware infection via Internet, email, storage devices

Risk of attacks by hackers

Risk of data loss or damage

Risk of lost access to data and IT systems


Reduce Costs

Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Ensure Compliance

Bayshore Automation Defender

Automation Defender gives you all the flexibility of powerful visibility and threat detection solution along with the only native inline intrusion prevention system in the industry.


Comprehensive, customizable OT asset discovery and monitoring, with full content inspection and policy enforcement flexibility across every monitored OT asset and network flow. Available in a variety of form factors to suit any industrial network, Automation Defender gives you all the flexibility of powerful visibility and threat detection solution along with the only native inline intrusion prevention system in the industry. Automation Defender acts as your eyes, ears, and expert brain, to keep your plant running while you investigate anomalies and malware, by filtering out dangerous or unexpected activities and letting the known, safe content keep operating as expected.

User features

Roles of Interested Employees

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Information Officer

Chief Technical Officer

Chief IT Security Officer

IT Security and Risk Management

Technical Management