
Problems that solves

Inability to forecast execution timelines

Poor timing of management decision making

No automated business processes

Risk of lost access to data and IT systems

Complex and non-transparent business processes

Insufficient risk management


Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Generate Business Reports

Manage Risks


AssetWise: Ensuring safe, reliable, compliant, and cost-effective operations


Intelligently plan and implement asset performance and reliability strategies. AssetWise provides informed decision support from capital planning through proactive asset maintenance, enabling you to mitigate risk, increase operational efficiency, and ensure regulatory compliance. With improved information flow and interoperability you can collect, analyze, and control relevant asset information. AssetWise delivers actionable information that supports your business processes and drives the performance of your infrastructure assets. Aligned with BIM, PAS, and ISO asset management standards, AssetWise leverages a connected data environment to facilitate the interoperation of multiple data sources, providing a common view of data that delivers accurate and reliable information when it is needed to operations, maintenance, and engineering. With AssetWise CONNECT Edition, your organization can maximize collaboration by communicating critical requirements more effectively across IT, OT, and ET disciplines, and across the entire lifecycle of your assets. Multi-phase deployment allows you to spread investment over time, minimizing operational disruptions.

With AssetWise Asset Reliability you can:
  • Identify assets posing the greatest risk to your business and rank assets by failure consequence and relative risk
  • View asset condition data and trends in an asset health dashboard to analyze and strategically plan inspections and maintenance
  • Perform asset condition analytics for linear assets to enhance predictive maintenance and planning
  • Provide proof of regulatory compliance with historical and real-time condition reports
  • Manage assets spread across a wide geographic area with a solution that supports your mobile workforce
  • Optimize worker safety by minimizing unplanned outages, preventing catastrophic failure, and maximizing worker engagement in the field

User features

Roles of Interested Employees

Chief Information Officer

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Sales Officer

Organizational Features

Internet access is available for employees

GDPR Compliance

Personal data operation