Problems that solves
Aging IT infrastructure
Unauthorized access to corporate IT systems and data
Risk of attacks by hackers
Reduce Costs
Enhance Staff Productivity
Ensure Security and Business Continuity
Ensure Compliance
Allied Telesis Secure Enterprise SDN (SES)
Secure Enterprise SDN (SES) is a state of the art network threat detection tool, protecting networks from IoT-based threats with automatic threat detection and isolation.
About Product
Allied Telesis Secure Enterprise Software Defined Networking (SES) is a state-of-the-art network management and security solution. It provides what enterprises consistently tell us they need: reduced network management costs, increased security and an improved end-user experience.
SES is an award-winning innovative SDN solution that works with security applications to instantly respond to alerts and block the movement of threats anywhere within your wired or wireless network.
Automatic security threat isolation and remediation
Most organizations utilize an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) or Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) to defend their network from attacks. However, an IPS can introduce latency and bottlenecks, and most IDS can only warn if a threat has been found; they cannot act to block the offending traffic. By the time the operator reacts to the warning, it may be too late.
SES uses best-of-breed IDS applications to identify threats, then responds immediately to isolate the affected part of the network. It is then capable of automatically quarantining the suspect device and applying remediation so that it can re-join the network with a minimum of network disruption and without manual intervention. Responses are configurable and comprehensive logging provides a clear audit trail of the actions taken. This is a truly innovative feature that helps organizations avoid lost time and unnecessary disruption to services.
Block threats at source
Most IPS solutions are only capable of blocking suspicious traffic as it passes through the IPS device. Since this tends to be near the gateway to the Internet, only external threats can be detected and blocked (this is the traditional “secure border” model). However, SES can isolate traffic anywhere in the network, so it can prevent threats not only on the border, but threats inside the network too through USB drives, BYOD, etc. This makes SES an innovative security solution that can monitor traffic entering and traversing the local network without introducing latency or bottlenecks.
Wired and wireless SDN
SES is the first commercial SDN solution for wireless networks that offers programmability and control inside the network where it is most vulnerable. Allied Telesis wireless access points are OpenFlow capable and can be controlled by the SES controller to provide a dynamic wireless network that offers end-users a better experience. New policies and security updates can be easily implemented from the centralized controller to all access points in seconds, to dramatically cut the time required for network and security management, with a corresponding reduction in operating costs.
Open and flexible SDN solution
SES interoperates with networks containing compatible OpenFlow switches, and a range of physical and virtual firewall products. There is no need for a forklift upgrade of the network to take advantage of the benefits of SES – it can interoperate with a wide range of existing equipment.
SES also integrates with Allied Telesis Autonomous Management Framework™ (AMF), which is a powerful network management and automation tool that also delivers cost and time savings. When used with AMF, SES no longer relies on the OpenFlow protocol to communicate with the network devices. Instead it can use AMF to deliver instructions to conventional network devices. Therefore, this provides all the benefits of an SDN solution without the need for OpenFlow. This lowers the risk and cost for enterprises to adopt SDN solutions since their existing network can remain unchanged.
With SES, Allied Telesis will deliver real value by constantly monitoring for threats and instantly protecting the network. While other SDN solutions provide esoteric solutions for obscure networking problems, SES will deliver true business value every day.
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Roles of Interested Employees
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Chief Technical Officer
Chief IT Security Officer
IT Security and Risk Management
Organizational Features
BYOD policy
IT Security Department in company