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Assuta logo
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Challenge The fear of a cyberattack is real. The hospital’s security officers live with that fear every day because they know cyberattacks happen every day. So far, Assuta has evaded such a devastating attack on its information system. But in the past, Tamir Ronen, Assuta’s Chief Information Security Officer, hired penetration testers to test his system for vulnerabilities. However, the labor costs were significant and the actual testing took a long time. On some occasions, Tamir had to wait for the assessment results and reports to be delivered. When a test was completed, a meeting with Tamir’s staff and the penetration testers was required to resolve the findings and root out any “false” results. And, finally, Tamir’s staff would have run its own tests to double-check the findings of each report. The whole process was labor intensive and time consuming.
Imagine Tamir Ronen’s surprise when he learned from Cymulate that the entire security assessment procedure could be accomplished much more quickly through on-demand simulation.
Cymulate’s SaaS-based, on-demand Breach and Attack simulation platform keeps Assuta one step ahead of cyber attackers 24 hours-a-day, every day of the year. The platform not only assess against the latest threats and most advanced multi-vector attacks—it also delivers an immediate and complete picture of Assuta’s current security posture.
The platform uses an offensive approach and defensive tactics to simulate multi-vector cyberattacks from an attacker’s perspective, revealing critical vulnerabilities before exploitation from real attackers. After a simple implementation that required no labor from its own staff, Assuta had the ability to perform simulated attacks to reveal security exposures through email and Internet browsing.
Tamir Ronen works through the Cymulate main portal where he can pick and choose what type of attack, he wants to spring on any of his security solutions at any time. He generally conducts tests on each once a month. “But each time there is a global virus attack campaign that is spreading, Cymulate immediately gets a sample of it and we can test its effect on our network immediately,” he said. “It’s a really big benefit. You can test it before it comes to you.”
Tamir notes that Cymulate has more than satisfied his main objectives by conducting penetration testing automatically through simulation. “It’s not only money,” he said. “It’s time.” He said hiring manual penetration testers to conduct a test would take several days or more. Now he said testing can take place on-demand and only takes an hour, maybe less. The fixes, he said, are illuminated immediately.
“Using Cymulate, I was able to find out that several of my security products were not configured as I wanted them to be,” Tamir said. “I discovered I had several vulnerabilities based on the misconfigured products. Once everything was configured correctly, I tested the system again using Cymulate. And the security hole within my network was eliminated.”
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Euronext logo
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Euronext’s Information Security Department Euronext’s information security department is comprised of multiple teams, including its Security Operation Centre (SOC) team and the Assessment and Exploitation Team. While the SOC’s main mission deals with incident response, continuously monitoring and improving the organization’s security posture, it works closely with Assessment and Exploitation Team, which is responsible for running vulnerability and red team assessments.
The SOC is entrusted with the security of all Euronext infrastructure and systems, all Euronext trading services and platforms, as well as all internal users and external users, including but not limited to the stock exchange service itself. The SOC works around the clock 24x7.
Business Challenge
Keeping a vigilant eye out for the latest developments in the cybersecurity market, Jorge Ruão, Head of Security Operations Centre at Euronext, sought better ways to prevent and detect cyber attacks.
The Information Security Department is experienced in developing and running their own homegrown simulations of cyberattacks to test the organization’s security posture vis-à-vis specific threats.
After implementing new technology, deploying a specific security policy or updating the rule engine of a cybersecurity tool, the teams would run simulations of specific attacks to ensure that they could be blocked, or alternatively, be detected and mitigated.
While the practice of running attack simulations is highly effective, building simulations of specific attacks can be a resource-intensive undertaking, depending on the complexity of a malware strain or its associated variants. “This is of special concern if time is critical, for example,” says Ruão, “when you are made aware that a new malware campaign exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities is spreading through the internet and you’ve just deployed mitigation or workaround measures received from your intel services.
Impressed by Cymulate’s ease of use and ability to repeatedly run the same battery of tests to test the organization’s security posture, Ruão implemented the cyberattack simulation platform, removing the need to build and prepare a manual framework to execute those very same tests. On top of manual penetration testing, red team exercises and vulnerability assessments performed periodically, Cymulate lets Euronext’s Information Security department run frequent security tests in response to a variety of events.
For example, “when there is a new specific threat in the wild (e.g. WannaCry, etc.) Cymulate incorporates the threat’s indicators of compromise (IoCs) very quickly,” comments Ruão, “and you can immediately see how vulnerable you are to that threat without the need to internally develop a simulation to mimic that new threat.”
Similarly, if a security tool suddenly proves to be less effective following a configuration change, its settings can be updated and then thoroughly tested against a barrage of simulated cyber attacks.
Having purchased four Cymulate attack vectors (modules) the year prior, including the Immediate Threat Assessment, Web Gateway, Email and Endpoint modules, Euronext has recently renewed their Cymulate subscription, adding one more module to the mix—the Hopper—which simulates potential lateral movement within the company’s network.
Commenting about the initial integration, Ruão says, “It was very easy and quick to deploy the solution with satisfactory results. No major issues were found during the deployment besides the need to provide the minimum requirements.”
Since deploying the solution one year ago, both the SOC and Assessment and Exploitation teams use Cymulate together to find out and understand whether current security controls are in fact blocking threats.
By using Cymulate, Euronext’s Information Security
Department can now:
  • Test controls against the latest threats – Imminent attacks detected in the wild are simulated by the platform, enabling up-to-date security assessments.
  • Frequently and repeatedly evaluate security controls – New technology, configuration changes, or software/hardware updates can be easily tested to see their impact on the organization.
  • Complement homegrown simulations – While highly effective, these are resource-intensive and may not be practical when time is of the essence.
  • Prove the value of business decisions – By using Cymulate as a benchmark before deploying new technology, the team can demonstrate the efficacy of new solutions.
  • Understand cyber threats’ modus operandi – This includes where in the attack kill chain a potential threat may be successful in circumventing security controls.
  • Provide executive and technical-level reporting – With its built-in reports, visibility is provided into how each technology contributes to the organization’s overall security posture.
Since implementing the platform, comments Ruão, “We are very happy with the Cymulate solution and are already looking to expand the functionalities with additional tests.”
To conclude, Ruão says, “I would recommend Cymulate because of its ease of use, it can quickly provide you a window into how vulnerable or how protected your organization is against external threats.”
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Integrated Health Plans Pte Ltd (IHP) logo
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Business Challenge Based in Singapore, IHP is subject to some of the world’s most stringent cybersecurity regulatory oversight. Moreover, like most healthcare organizations, the company is highly vulnerable to existing and emerging cyberthreats. In recent years, the company invested significant resources in security enhancement, security tool configuration, and deployment of security solutions.
The company was focused on setting up and optimizing the most up-to-date protection for its production environment - production servers, exchanges, web applications and network infrastructure.
In addition to these efforts, IHP wanted to increase the reliability of the solutions they had adopted to enhance their security posture. To protect themselves from the next threat, they needed assurance that their security solutions were consistently well configured and fully operational. Their network vulnerabilities assessment needed to be robust in order to maintain security at peak performance.

IHP chose Cymulate to automatically and continuously identify and remediate gaps in their cybersecurity posture. Every day, IHP uses Cymulate to test real-world security strength by simulating actual cyberattacks across all attack vectors.
Cymulate monitors the company’s email gateway, web gateway, and web application firewall - while also seeking out signs of penetration including lateral movement.Cymulate enables IHP to evaluate their controls to identify gaps - delivering a clear report detailing the company’s up-to-the-moment security posture and score, benchmarked across their industry. And, Cymulate translates these findings into actionable insights – delivering clear instructions that help IHP constantly reduce their attack surface and prioritize which gaps to close first.

Cymulate enabled IHP to gain a better ongoing overview of their environment’s security posture. In addition to facilitating daily cyberthreat monitoring based on up-to-the-minute cyber intelligence, Cymulate also identifies gaps in security and facilitates their rapid remediation.
When IHP needs to roll out new applications or services, Cymulate enables testing during the POC stage, to assess actual impact on their production environment.
Leveraging Cymulate, IHP lowered their daily security check time by around 40%, and their testing time investment by approximately 60%. Finally, Cymulate has measurably helped IHP optimize their defences to better comply with both cybersecurity regulations and corporate policies.
With Cymulate, we gain enhanced security level assurance that helps our existing clients increase their trust in us to handle their information. Moreover, we gain the confidence of new clients to engage our services.
David Chang, IT Infrastructure Manager, IHP
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