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Crediton Dairy logo
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OVERVIEW Crediton Dairy, based in the heart of Devon in southern England, is a food and beverage company that produces a variety of milk drinks. The company is best known for its “Moo Milk” and “Dairy Pride” brands and has products in 13,500 food retail stores nationwide, making it one of the UK’s leading dairy beverage companies. Its chairman, Neil Kennedy, was presented with the prestigious SW Dairy Industry Award for his outstanding contribution towards the development of the British dairy market. In 2012, dairy companies Arla Foods UK and Milk Link were given approval to merge by the European Commission (EC). A condition for the approval of the merger was that Crediton Dairy operate as a separate business. Benjamin Evans, formerly with Milk Link, became IT Manager for Crediton Dairy. CHALLENGE Evans’ initial task was to implement a web security solution that addressed both security and business challenges Crediton Dairy had been struggling with at the time. Its network had seen continuous attacks from external threats masking as an insider in order to in ltrate and steal sensitive data. These threats would often be in the form of sophisticated ransomware and other advanced threats, with delivery methods that shifted between web and email channels in search of a weakness. Suspicious URLs sent to employees from Director-level positions and phony invitations to download a PDF instructing users to “please pay invoice” are just a few examples Evans saw rsthand within a few weeks of joining the company. Some attacks were being successfully filtered by the Office 365 Outlook client, but only to the extent of being redirected into a “junk” folder. Nothing was in place to effectively identify or classify information. Crediton Dairy also lacked a solution that delivered real- time security ratings to web or email traffic. After determining the security included in Office 365 was not up to the task, the challenge was to build a security posture from the ground-up— starting with web—that wouldn’t break the budget. With only a small team to work with, Evans began searching for cloud-based security solutions. On-premises appliances were out of the question —he simply didn’t have the resources to install and manage additional hardware. SOLUTION Crediton Dairy assessed multiple web security providers, including Barracuda Networks. But according to Evans, Barracuda Networks couldn’t meet their strict functionality or budgetary requirements. “There were a few let downs on the way the Barracuda URL filtering worked. It just didn’t feel like home.” — Evans As a former Milk Link employee, Evans was familiar with the virtualized classification capabilities and hassle-free maintenance of the Forcepoint Web Security Cloud solution; it was the company’s primary solution for web security. Following Evans’ recommendation, Forcepoint Web Security Cloud went through a Proof of Concept (POC) at Crediton Dairy. It exceeded all expectations. Evans noted that other cloud versions on the market were too “light” in functionality, compared to the high level of protection with Forcepoint. “The Forcepoint solution offered more options around the Cloud. Rather than just black-listing or white-listing URLs and email addresses, Forcepoint ticked all of our boxes for functionality.” — Evans Deployment was straightforward and simple and the Forcepoint support team was there for Evans whenever needed. “The Forcepoint support team was very good. When we were originally getting set up, my account manager and the support team took control, had a look where any issues might be, configured the solution, and got it up and running while taking me through some of the new features.” — Evans Crediton Dairy’s IT department has always embraced innovation and new technologies. It was one of the first to adopt Office 365 when it became available in the UK. However, because Office 365 comes with only basic security features, it doesn’t properly secure the average working email environment. This was, unfortunately, the case for Crediton Dairy. “We were starting to see a bit more spam coming through Office 365, compared to where it was when it first came out. We started to look at the email side of Forcepoint, for sure.” — Evans Evans and Crediton Dairy chose to implement Forcepoint Email Security Cloud as well as Forcepoint Advanced Malware Detection for Email, incorporating cloud-hosted protection that surpasses the capability of on-premises sandboxes. Evans admits, it was a “no- brainer” for his organization. “Forcepoint Email Security Cloud has stopped anything suspicious from coming in and I can visibly see what is being stopped and what we’re being protected from. We’re protected and it’s one of those insurance policies that every company needs.” — Evans The Crediton Dairy team took advantage of an easy cloud deployment by simply adding the Forcepoint Email Security Cloud to an already deployed Forcepoint Web Security Cloud for coordinated defenses against advanced threats. The deployment of Forcepoint Email Security Cloud was accomplished overnight. Evans and his team began the process on a Friday evening and nished Saturday. RESULTS Forcepoint Web Security Cloud solutions met all of Crediton Dairy’s functionality and quality requirements without them having to purchase additional hardware. Staying within budget has freed up resources for other projects. At the same time, Forcepoint Email Security Cloud solution has empowered Crediton Dairy to safely embrace new technologies such as Office 365 and enjoy all of its ef ciencies and cost savings. Evans recalls how well Forcepoint Cloud solutions integrate well with Active Directory and enhance and complement the Office 365 solution already in place. “Forcepoint is able to work seamlessly with Office 365. We don’t see any problems at all when we run the two together.” — Evans An easy deployment of Forcepoint Web Security Cloud and Forcepoint Email Security Cloud solutions have paved the way for Crediton Dairy to continue to evolve and innovate with safety and con dence. Crediton Dairy has relied on Forcepoint security solutions since 2015.
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Cobweb logo
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OVERVIEW Founded in 1996, Cobweb Solutions offers a range of Cloud solutions including: Hosted Microsoft Exchange, Office 365, Enterprise Mobility Suite, Azure, Power BI, Dynamics CRM, Hosted Desktop, Email Archiving, Email Encryption and Cloud Backup. Based in Fareham, Hampshire and Canary Wharf, London Cobweb provides Cloud solutions to over 6,000 SMBs and over 320 partners through Vuzion the new cloud aggregator business for resellers. An early adopter of Microsoft Exchange, Cobweb is a long-established provider of cloud communications and a gold-status member of the Microsoft Partner Network. CHALLENGE Cobweb provides hosted services for over 150,000 mailboxes, managing firewalls for hundreds of locations with complex, overlapping IP schemas. The impact of overlapping schemas to Cobweb and its customers created an inability to deliver the service to customers. “It’s a monumental task. Having easy-to-access insight into the whole system is a necessity. The company’s reputation hinges on its services being secure and constantly up and running.” — Julian Dyer, Chief Technical Officer, Cobweb Furthermore, Cobweb has to ensure that the environment is up-todate in order to manage a continually evolving threat landscape. Visits to perform data center upgrades in Segensworth, Fareham, and one in Telehouse, London were proving to be time intensive, and the company needed a system it could rely on to upgrade automatically. SOLUTION According to Dyer, the decision to migrate to Forcepoint Stonesoft Next Generation Firewall (NGFW)—part of the Forcepoint Security product offering—was not taken lightly. Cobweb wanted to move away from the expensive licensing model it had previously, and pay only for the features it needed. The deployment option of Stonesoft Softwareas-a-Service (SaaS) for virtual versions of Stonesoft NGFW is the affordable licensing model Cobweb was looking for. In addition, centralized security management, combined with the flexibility to add security features such as a delegated local administrator and capacity, helped drive the decision to implement Stonesoft NGFW. “We were able to replace overlapping encryption domains with site-to-site VPNs that take minutes to configure. We simply use the domain feature to logically separate the organization, delegating local administrative control if we choose.” — Dyer RESULTS Implementing Stonesoft NGFW has enabled Cobweb to increase bandwidth, add connections, and aggregate across network links safely and securely, giving multiple seamless failover options. The single management platform provides admins with quicker response times to all change requests and any incidents that may occur on the network. Ultimately, with Stonesoft NGFW and centralized firewall management, Cobweb is now equipped with the tools to manage network security holistically in real-time mode, utilize shared network connections, and benefit from shared logging, reporting, auditing, and other tools. Ease-of-use makes Stonesoft NGFW an effective and efficient security solution, saving valuable time and resources for Cobweb. “No more standing in cold data centers for hours configuring a firewall or performing upgrades. Forcepoint Stonesoft Next Generation Firewall does 99% of our network configuration, reducing what used to take hours to minutes. Everything is done through the management platform. I am one happy customer.” — Dyer Cobweb has relied on Forcepoint solutions since 2012.
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Arizona Financial Crimes Task Force (AZFCTF) logo
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The Arizona Financial Crimes Task Force (AZFCTF) was established to investigate and interdict the money laundering activities of complex national and international organized crime and to mitigate the violence associated with the smuggling activities that fund these organizations. In January 2014, the AZFCTF funded the creation of the Transaction Record Analysis Center (TRAC), a centralized searchable database of the financial transactions of global money services business (MSBs). TRAC now serves as the intelligence component for AZFCTF and is staffed by analyst and law enforcement professionals recognized as experts in money laundering activity. The TRAC provides data, meaningful data analysis, collaboration and training to investigators, analysts and prosecutors nationwide in their efforts to disrupt criminal organizations and dismantle their operations. Challenge Transnational criminals launder billions of dollars in illegal proceeds every year. In the Southwest Border-affected areas, over half-a-million humans are smuggled and prescription drugs, illegal drugs and intellectual property are stolen. Law enforcement agencies have been challenged to process and analyze an overwhelming amount of data that pertains to these operations. Parsing and finding the incriminating data in a vast sea of constantly expanding data sources became extremely difficult as the sheer volume of transaction data far exceeded the capability and volume capacity of typical database software. Due to the limitations and restrictions of the technology, transaction volume became the enemy, and it became harder and harder to detect money laundering patterns across the financial industry. A simple query involving multiple names, addresses or telephone numbers, for example, took hours or days to complete. Enforcement agencies were forced to invest a great deal of time searching through databases, sometimes containing millions of records each, for the suspicious activity they knew lurked among the data. In this timeframe, it was difficult to conceptualize money laundering patterns while remaining a few steps behind the criminals themselves. Solution AZFCTF needed a solution that could manage the huge volumes of data flowing into the TRAC, as well as deliver an easy-to-use analytical platform to law enforcement and regulatory users. Today, Forcepoint™ SureView® Analytics is providing AZFCTF with a turnkey analytical solution that is customized for the varied user community consisting of federal agents, analysts, state and local detectives as well as money services business regulators. For each of these stakeholders, SureView Analytics delivers complete management of the environment from data ingestion to delivery of actionable analytics. The TRAC portal offers a dashboard of easy-to-use analysis tools, training webinars and auditing functions. Through a secure private cloud, the solution avoids overhead expenses of on-site hosting, and offers scalability as needed. Queries can be returned in a matter of seconds instead of hours, which turns the increasing volume of data transactions from an enemy into an ally. Results The SureView Analytics solution has been adopted by over 2,000 users and hosts over 100 Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs), making the TRAC a unique and unprecedented financial fraud investigative tool. Its value to the Southwest Border states and beyond is recognized daily by the number of law enforcement and regulatory agencies requesting MOUs from across the nation. The query result speed attained by today’s experienced TRAC user enables queries to be run in a timely manner, resulting in the recognition of critical activity patterns and the dismantling of criminal organizations. Additionally, the MSB data in the TRAC system is based on geographic organized crime smuggling corridors and contains more relevant data than what would be obtained in a traditional subpoena process. The data access enables investigators to geospatially visualize criminal corridors of illegal transactions, saving thousands of man hours and lengthy delays in the usual subpoena process. The TRAC system, by virtue of its MOU process and access to expert training, necessitates direct communication by law enforcement experts across the U.S. This unprecedented networking among anti-money laundering professionals creates effective multi-agency teams to attack money laundering patterns and methodologies.
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