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December 2018 – Ampex Data Systems (Ampex), a Delta Information Systems Company, is proud to announce the signing of a long term agreement (LTA) with Collins Aerospace to deliver TuffServ© solid state recorders (SSRs), memory storage systems, and mission data loaders for use in Collins Aerospace’s MS-110 airborne reconnaissance systems.

The TuffServ SSRs will leverage use of the Ampex Common Compute Environment (ACCE), which includes network attached storage (NAS) software and graphical user interfaces (GUIs) common to all TuffServ airborne NAS products. Ampex will provide support from its headquarters in Hayward, CA.

The TuffServ series is designed to perform in extreme airborne, ground, and space environments and offers the fastest ruggedized Network File Servers on the market. Additionally, the TuffServ series supports the full spectrum of commercial and military operations to include Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) and Flight Test, provides removable storage capacities up to 100TB, and a range of interfaces and software capabilities.

This agreement is a fundamental, ongoing part of Ampex’s strategic approach to working with leading edge mission system providers in the high data rate market. We are exceptionally proud to have been selected by Collins Aerospace and look forward to continued success in supporting this multi-year effort.
Jim Orahood, Vice President and General Manager of Ampex Data Systems.
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