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Yaron Weiss, Payoneer's VP Corporate Security and Global IT Operations, has been leading the company’s security efforts since 2014. With steady increase in phishing attacks, Weiss realized the high-risk potential from Payoneers’ insider threat - its employees. Before learning about CybeReady in 2016, Payoneer used a different phishing simulation solution for its 1.200 employees for just one year. That solution required resources and training expertise that Payoneer's IT team didn't have, and despite the considerable effort that went into the program it generated a total of two email campaigns in a full year. With random training efforts and no proper training methodology driving the process, employee behavior didn't seem to change. The Solution. When Weiss saw CybeReady's autonomous training platform product demo, he was immediately sold. “CybeReady’s solution addressed all the challenges ‘we were facing at the time.” he said, “itis fully managed and offers each employee continuous, training in their own inbox and their native language’. CybeReady utilizes a proven methodology, powered. by Machine Learning. It offers a minimum of 12 phishing simulations to each employee annually, and itis customized, localized and adaptive to each, employee’ performance. Weiss decided to switch to CybeReady within aweek. Getting started was fast and easy - CybeReady offers a cloud solution that takes three quick steps and a total of one hour to integrate:
  • Export the company's address book
  • Whitelist a short list of domains
  • Approve 1st campaign
The Result. Weiss started noticing the difference in employees’ behavior towards phishing attacks pretty quickly. Using CybeReady’s real-time customer dashboard, he looked at two main KPI
  • Employee Resilience Score - more than tripled within the first six months and increased by over 7x over the two years of training with CybeReady.
  • Serial Clicker Rate - The Employee High Risk Group has converted to high performing as the % of serial clickers out of all employees was reduced to almost -0%.
CybeReady also provides the Payoneer security team with weekly, monthly and quarterly reports they can easily share with Management. Payoneer's executives appreciate the robust business intelligence features and the ability to track progress. In addition to the progress seen “on the dashboard’, Weiss indicated that his team noticed change in employee behavior “in real life’: “We can actually see a correlation between the graphs and the results on the ground: When we run ‘red team’ drills, our employees now report phishing very quickly and you can see how this has become very important to them.” Weiss pinpoints the key factors to a successful employee training program from his experience: “I've been using phishing simulations for Payoneer employee training for three years now.” he said, ” and I can say that the most important factor to success is continuity - training each and every employee month after month consistently and repeatedly” In terms of ROI, the program has easily paid for itself. “We are paying the same as we did to the previous vendor, but getting significantly more value.” said Weiss.
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