
Deployments found: 1

ProCredit Bank logo
ISSP logo
After Microsoft stopped developing its Forefront TMG product, many users of this solution had to start the replacement search process. Among such clients was ProCredit Bank. The bank was faced with the task of integrating a new proxy server. And in the summer of 2013, ProCredit Bank specialists carried out comparative testing of the leading solutions of this market with partial involvement of ISSP, a specialized expert integrator of information security systems. The test resulted in a choice in favor of McAfee Web Gateway. ISSP was also involved in providing implementation services and customizing McAfee Content Security Suite (McAfee Web Gateway module), which performed well during testing, demonstrating high competencies and extensive experience with McAfee products. Implementing an Internet access protection gateway consisted of the migration of the existing proxy server settings from Microsoft ISA to McAfee Web Gateway and the configuration of new features. ISSP, in conjunction with specialists from the Bank’s Information Technology Department, established and configured basic filters — authentication, access to important resources of the Bank, filtering data types, and checked the correctness of the changes made. Additionally, the reporting server was configured and the proxy server was integrated with the configuration backup system. The specialists of both companies managed to integrate McAfee Web Gateway in such a way as to minimize changes in the existing infrastructure of the Ban
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