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An executive who leads security efforts from the Office of the CIO at Ayalon Insurance knows that exposure to hackers could lead to total catastrophe within seconds. “In the past year, we’ve come to understand that it really doesn’t matter how many technology tools or system safeguards we have in place to defend ourselves; identifying a threat will ultimately fall upon a human being’s shoulders, every time. The firewall and antivirus blocking software we’ve put in place will work, of course. Eventually, however, if a hacker wants to find a way in, then he or she can by baiting our personnel in ways that unknowingly grant access to these criminals.” Ahuvia explained. The Result. Once Ayalon Insurance began working with CybeReady, it was clear to Ahuvia that his staff were being tested using a very sophisticated, covert approach. “CybeReady’s learning pages are very effective,” Ahuvia noted. “By the statistics, we can see that people are paying attention; they’re reading the material. As for their performance in the simulations, it’s definitely improving over time. We can see very clearly that people are much less likely now to click on a phishing scam than they were before we began working with CybeReady. In fact, we can see that those who used to click on almost every phishing email they received have done a complete 180—they don’t click anything now.” In cyber security, staying on top of the latest trends means having a distinct advantage over hackers. A deep understanding of the most recent phishing scams isn’t only helpful; it could mean the difference between a business being vulnerable or successfully thwarting an attack. “We’ve found that the CybeReady team is very knowledgeable about phishing scams happening all around the world; they’re bringing current practices to us before they’re arriving in our inboxes,” Ahuvia said. “When we hear of an attack that happens, we want to know that we already simulated it here and that people are not only aware, but trained to handle it.”
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Ayalon Insurance logo
CybeReady logo
Once Ayalon Insurance began working with CybeReady, it was clear to Ahuvia that his staff were being tested using a very sophisticated, covert approach. “They’re doing an excellent job sending emails that are very hard to resist clicking on,” he said. The results speak for themselves. “CybeReady’s learning pages are very effective,” Ahuvia noted. “By the statistics, we can see that people are paying attention; they’re reading the material. As for their performance in the simulations, it’s definitely improving over time. We can see very clearly that people are much less likely now to click on a phishing scam than they were before we began working with CybeReady. In fact, we can see that those who used to click on almost every phishing email they received have done a complete 180—they don’t click anything now.” “Honestly, I thought they might be a bit angry if we succeeded—if they clicked on a simulation and we caught them doing something ‘wrong’,” he said. “You know, along the lines of ‘what is this, surveillance?’ But they like it. We’re getting emails from people saying that this was a great simulation; I fell for it, but it was a good one! The engagement level is remarkable.” When a real threat arrives, Ahuvia knows that Ayalon Insurance employees are now better equipped to handle it.
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