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Rackspace uses its results-obsessed customer support to maintain a position as one of the world’s largest IT managed-services providers. However, its telephony solution was getting in the way.
“The contact center has always been the lifeblood of customer support, which is our key differentiator,” says Kerry Bowley, product manager at Rackspace. “When we tried to modernize on top of our legacy system, we hit roadblock after roadblock.”
Franco Lazzarino, software developer at Rackspace, concurs: “Our team’s development skillset was not highly aligned with the telecom niche. Even basic call control and monitoring required significant engineering effort.”
Then, Rackspace discovered Amazon Connect—the self-service, cloud-based contact center service built on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Amazon Connect is based on the same contact center technology used by Amazon customer service associates around the world.  
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