
Deployments found: 6

Kyivstar logo
Softprom (supplier) logo
  • Maintain Exchange servers while creating new policies for each end user
  • Preserving all emails for legal and regulatory compliance
  • Insufficient archiving capabilities
Barracuda Message Archiver has helped the company to protect their business by simplifying compliance activities and enabling them to respond to information requests more effectively. Whether it’s investigating chains of communication to establish a true record of events for internal purposes, or responding to an external lawsuit, they’re now able to respond almost immediately. Previously, it might have taken up to two weeks recovering and reconciling data from backups. With any Barracuda Networks solution, the plug-and-play capabilities, phenomenal tech support, and ease of use are instrumental in helping to alleviate the hectic life of the local IT guy. With the Barracuda Message Archiver, Kyivstar was quick to highlight the tech support because it surpassed all of its usual expectations. Results
  • 100% reliable backup & message archiving
  • Easy access to every email ever sent or received
  • Alleviate strains on mail server and bandwidth
  • Quickly set up built-in policies to meet regulatory compliance
  • Easy to install and use
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