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StoreHub Boosts Conversion Rates by 20% with HubSpot StoreHub is a cloud-based retail management solution that provides a revolutionary iPad point of sale (POS) system to small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) across the globe. Wai Hong Fong is the co-founder of StoreHub and is based in the company’s head office in Malaysia. Before HubSpot, StoreHub had no way of tracking their leads or properly scoring them, which lead to prioritisation inefficiencies when it was time for sales to follow up. They also relied on a host of manual processes to during the follow-up process, causing it to be much more time-consuming than necessary. With HubSpot, StoreHub has been able to implement a holistic lead-tracking system that allows them to score each lead and prompt effective follow-up from sales. The sales team also now use a host of features from the HubSpot Sales Pro suite to automate their actions and save much time and effort in the process. These changes have led to a fantastic 20% increase in conversion rates, as well as the automation of over 20,000 email touchpoints and over 700 hours of work saved through this automation. 20% overall increase in conversion rates 700+ hours saved across the sales team to date 20k+ email touchpoints automated About StoreHub StoreHub is a cloud-based retail management solution that provides a revolutionary iPad point of sale (POS) system to small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) across the globe. Marketing Automation, Lead Generation, Sales Process, Sales Enablement, Lead Conversion, Case Study, Malaysia, Marketing And Sales Alignment No lead scoring and inefficient follow-up Prior to HubSpot, StoreHub were using Pipedrive as their marketing and sales solution, which didn’t allow them to see where their leads were coming from or understand the actions each lead took. Without these engagement metrics, they ran into problems around lead scoring, where they couldn’t apply an accurate estimation of the quality of each lead. This lack of knowledge on quality had a knock-on effect across the sales team, where they weren’t able to effectively prioritise their leads and when to follow up. This then had a negative impact on their ability to close deals and lowered conversion rates. Wai Hong also stated that their sales team was expending much effort on manual processes, losing out on time that could be spent on more value-adding tasks. As StoreHub strives to get in touch with leads within two minutes of first contact, Wai Hong knew that he needed a solution that could help his team prioritise better and work more efficiently. “We’re a pretty call-heavy company and we commit to contacting a lead within two minutes, so time is a big factor for us when prioritising calls and taking action.” Once he decided to look for a solution, Wai Hong opened up a conversation with HubSpot and learned how the tool could help StoreHub to move their information across teams faster and more effectively, as well as automating many of the tasks that were being done manually.
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