
Deployments found: 1

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About the Client Community Research gathers and shares research about New Zealand’s community and voluntary sector, as well as advocating good practice methods in community research. Overview Tonica supported Community Research in their migration onto Capsule CRM in 2012 from a variety of different systems including Excel and Gmail. Type of Work
  • Data Audit Report in order to visualise Community Research data structure prior to Capsule CRM and make general recommendations for the migration
  • Data Import Strategy, including data manipulation of the various input files in order to reduce the volume of duplicates and suit Capsule
  • Creation of bespoke fields in Capsule CRM to suit historical data and the requirements of Community Research
  • Final import of historical data into Capsule CRM and training on how to use the new system
Project Timescales Three remote support consultancy days were provided over a period of four months. Success Indicators
  • Contact details can be viewed anywhere in the world through a secure system
  • Tags, notes and custom fields tailor the database to the needs of Community Research
  • Easy to import new sources of data into the core database
  • Exciting new features such as social media integration
Future Development It’s possible to integrate Capsule CRM with email marketing systems (such as mailchimp) and online sign up forms (through a WordPress plugin or Wufoo).  At the time of writing, Community Research are looking into these integration options Client Comments “I want to let you know we’ve really enjoyed working with you and your expertise has been absolutely invaluable to us. How beautiful and strange that we connected across timeframes and continents in this way, in order for your expertise to enrich our organisation There is a Maori proverb that says: ‘Kia tika a muri, ka ora a mua’ – if the right support is given from the back, then the work of those at the front will be successful. This is an expression commonly used on a marae. It means if everything is correct and proper at the back of the marae – the meeting house – everything at the front of the marae will run smoothly. (At the back of the marae all the preparation for managing the marae and its activities take place. At the front of the marae, the orators and leaders welcome and host the visitors.) So – thank you for making the back of our Marae in order” - Jan Hinde, Manager, Community Research New Zealand
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