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L'OCCITANE Group logo
Eptica logo
As a specialist in natural and organic cosmetics, the Group produces and distributes 4 beauty and well-being brands all around the world: L’Occitane en Provence, Melvita, Erborian and L’Occitane au Brésil.  L’Occitane Group has over 3000 stores across 90 countries. Through its major international CRM systems upgrade project, L’Occitane intends to offer its millions of customers around the globe a more seamless and customer-friendly cross-channel experience. L’Occitane’s quality of service and customer guarantees needed to be identical when dealing with any major international issue, across all networks and all continents. The L’Occitane Group set up its international customer service department back in 2012 with the ambition to offer an “extraordinary” customer experience and to do so regardless of the touchpoint (stores, web & digital, department stores, pharmacies, hotels and spas). The Group’s objective is thus to respond to its customers with the greatest care, as quickly as possible across all digital channels. This includes social networks, which are a real sounding board for consumer opinion, while continuously measuring customer satisfaction. The challenge Real-time satisfaction monitoring L’Occitane uses the same KPIs all over the world thanks to Eptica’s advanced reporting functionalities: email response time, time to close a request, percentage of requests closed, percentage of chats answered, average processing time, e-commerce intervention rate, etc. To measure customer satisfaction, L’Occitane uses Net Promoter Scores (NPS).  The solution Deployed in 17 countries since 2012, the Eptica solution covers both automated and augmented conversations: self-service, email, social networks and chat. It interfaces with the customer database so as to provide employees with a unique vision of the customer: a history of purchases, requests, communications received, CRM segmentation and other data. "It was important for us to have a robust solution that could handle high volumes of conversations and enable us to improve productivity so that our agents could focus on personalising the relationship.” Anne-Sophie Pouyau, Head of International & European Customer Service L’Occitane en Provence. L’Occitane uses Eptica’s shared knowledge base which is integrated into all digital channels and the telephone  Thanks to AI and, in particular, Natural Language Processing, the solution also enables conversations to be sorted automatically according to the content and tone of the messages. Requests can therefore be prioritised. Self-service helps reduce incoming volume by enabling automatic responses to customers 24/7. Chat improves customer experience by offering personalised, contextualised and proactive support when, for example, the customer is looking for information, about to make a purchase or having difficulty confirming their order. A conversational, collaborative and cognitive platform The customer relationship manager must simultaneously provide an ‘extraordinary’ experience on all channels while sharing the Voice of the Two questions for... We intended to create an international customer service department capable of managing more than 17 countries around the world and several channels. The benefit of Eptica was its intelligent, integrated, multichannel and multilingual platform. This is why Eptica seemed an obvious choice! Thanks to AI and Natural Language Processing, we are able to gain real knowledge and understanding of our customers and their psychology. This allows us to adapt to their requirements, along the entire value chain, and be more attentive to their needs in order to satisfy them. When we share verbatim data internally, we are sharing data that has a soul! This makes the Voice of the Customer very powerful within the company’s different departments, enabling us to continuously improve the customer experience and our products. The benefits: Real-time reporting L’Occitane can follow what is happening across all channels using the same KPIs so as to optimise resources and measure activities consistently. Improved coherence All the agents have access to the same knowledge base, which provides consistency and increased productivity. Greater customer satisfaction Following every interaction, a satisfaction questionnaire is sent out. On a daily basis, the customer service teams receive the results, including complaints, and so are able to react quickly when a customer is dissatisfied. Representing the Voice of the Customer internally Thanks to the KPIs and customer verbatim data, the customer service department has a great deal of influence when it comes to convincing the other departments: marketing, digital, sales logistics, etc. Integrated social media management The customer service department has Community Managers who use the Eptica solution. They can therefore reply consistently, using the same tone as on the other channels, accessing the same knowledge base. Unique view of the customer All over the world, the customer service teams have the same information about the customer, thanks to the integration of the customer database with the Eptica solution. Agents’ well-being As the use of the Eptica solution is intuitive and training is very fast, customer advisors very quickly become familiar with the tool, gaining in productivity and improved well-being at work. Improvement in customer retention By proposing chat to customers likely to experience difficulties while buying online, L’Occitane has been able to improve conversion rates.
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