

Companies found: 1


SVIT IT company integrates information security solutions on the market since 2006. SVIT IT company works with industry-leading technology through careful selection of partners and vendors, the choice of which it is primarily guided by the practice and the global analytics Gartner Critical Capabilities reports, Forester, NSS Labs and IDC. During the period of its work in the information security market, SVIT IT has implemented more than fifty specialized solutions implementations, hundreds of pilot projects and testing, dozens of consulting and local support projects. In 2007, experts of the company was first implemented SaaS technology in the territory of Ukraine - in conjunction with Qualys was introduced a first draft of Security-as-a-Service cloud-based service to monitor vulnerabilities. Control technology vulnerabilities and to this day is one of the most effective ways to reduce technical risks. SVIT IT has become the first partner of the ArcSight in Ukraine and in the last 7 years has evolved into the only company in Ukraine HP ESP ArcSight Gold Specialist level. Today, its expertise in the industry has more than 7 SIEM technologies. Company SVIT IT, the author of a large-scale project in Ukraine SIEM architecture which includes 33 geographically distributed server log management with failover clustering and kernel correlation identification at the central site.
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