

Companies found: 1


SOLTI (solution / technology / integration) is a system integrator of complex IT-solutions for business
As an independent company structure SOLTI formed in 2014 by a team of leading experts, previously constituted the core of System Integration of another well-known Ukrainian brand, and stood at the origins of IT-market integration of Ukraine.
Experience and professionalism
SOLTI experts - professionals of the highest level, with more than 15 years of experience in implementing projects in the field of design, modernization and construction of high-level corporate IT-infrastructure complexity. Among the main achievements of the team - the creation of one of the first in Ukraine, distributed video conferencing system, one of the first digital library systems.
Specialists of the company during the years of their activities implemented hundreds of complex projects, many of which were at the time of the introduction of an innovative breakthrough in the field of corporate IT-technologies.
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