

Companies found: 8


The company '' ANTEC PRO 'is a provider of a wide range of software on the market of Ukraine: antivirus software, enterprise content management systems and web projects, operating systems, database
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AXOFT Ukraine

AXOFT Ukraine was established in 2007. The company is one of the leading suppliers of a wide range of software on the Ukrainian market: operating systems, office applications, graphic packages, utilities, development tools, and software products for scientific and technical calculations and modeling. Our clients - B2B sector: system integrators, software vendors, software companies, retail software vendors and other organizations focused on the job in the information technology industry. As an official partner and distributor of most leading manufacturers of software products, AXOFT company operates on the market only through its affiliate network and offers its customers not only the most favorable conditions for the supply of software, but also additional services such as consulting, technical and marketing support. Specialization in Business Business direction - distribution of software. Popular products from more than 1,000 software vendors; The developed network of partners (over 250 partners across the territory of Ukraine, about 5500 - CIS); More than 50 distribution status; 40 regional offices in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and Mongolia; B2B-system; Skilled technical and information support of our partners; Streamlined logistics; Special promotions and marketing program for partners; Conducting training sessions for partners - forums, seminars, conferences; Authorization for partners to participate in tenders. Work principles The highest level of service and the most current software giants of the world software industry - the principles underpinning the work of the company AXOFT. These principles allow our partners to offer end customers effective solutions for small and medium businesses, and large corporations, including products for highly specialized applications. Flexibility, availability, understanding customer needs, continuous expansion and improvement of services - all this, as well as a strong financial position and excellent system of logistics company providing a commanding lead in the Ukrainian AXOFT distribution software market. The priorities AXOFT activity on the IT-market are: ensure guaranteed high quality of service partners and provide them with the most favorable conditions for working with end-users; raising the level of competence of partners: certification and training; offer efficient, meet the highest standards of products and solutions IT-market.
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ЧП «БИ-СОФТ» — это компания, давно и прочно занявшая свое место на рынке компьютерного сопровождения бизнеса в Запорожье. Наша фирма была основана 23 января 1995 года, и с тех пор прошла путь от пионера до одного из лидеров рынка. В 2015 году мы отмечаем свое 20-летие. Наши клиенты — это частные предприниматели и промышленные гиганты, адвокаты и аудиторы, юристы и экономисты, силовики и бухгалтера. Мы заботимся о каждом из них, и стремимся к тому, чтобы всем было комфортно с нами. Тем, кто заинтересован в профессиональной поддержке своего бизнеса современными технологиями, мы готовы предложить следующие услуги:
  • Автоматизация бухгалтерского, складского, кадрового, управленческого учета на базе продуктов компании 1С
  • Информационно-технологическое сопровождение 1С
  • Организация электронного документооборота, услуги по внедрению, настройке и сопровождению системы «М.Е.Док»
  • Оформление сертификатов усиленных электронно-цифровых подписей для обмена отчетностью с контролирующими органами, а также для обмена первичной документацией с контрагентами
  • Сопровождение баз данных по законодательству, базы судебных решений, а также специализированных тематических компьютерных справочников по законодатльству
  • Организация систем защиты информации от хакерских атак, вирусов, спама и других негативных воздействий
  • Построение проводных и беспроводных компьютерных сетей
  • Консультирование по вопросам выбора программного обеспечения в соответствии с потребностями заказчика
  • Поставка лицензионного программного обеспечения для дома и офиса
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BMS Consulting

DEU ...
Intellect provider. Security expert. Leading supplier of end-to-end IT solutions. BMS Consulting is focused on projects development and implementation for setting up IT infrastructure, IT environment operation and monitoring, and on solutions covering to application systems implementation and deployment. Our primary market segment is corporate. We develop, deploy and implement solutions that influence and add value to IT infrastructure. Our mission is to keep pace with the technology market selecting innovative approaches to problem solution. We are building on sophisticated technologies that require fresh perspective of agenda. Armed by IT best practices we developed our own smart solutions that can be implemented online as a service helping businesses to tackle new challenges on their development route. Our trends are BigData, Cloud, Mobility, E-Solutions. Quite a few global vendors granted us numerous awards for our unique achievements in competence development, large-scale projects implementation and high standards of doing business together.
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BMS Consulting

BMS Consulting was founded on 7 July 1997. BMS Consulting is one of the leaders of Ukrainian market of information technologies in sphere of system integration. BMS Consulting is the only IT company in Ukraine which concentrated its business on the corporate market only.  BMS Consulting is engaged in the development and implementation of complex projects of creating integral information systems for companies operating in different segments of industry. The company is confident that what the client needs is not the computers and networks per se but the functional solutions which the system must ensure. Based on the many years of practical experience and knowledge of the latest technologies, BMS Consulting is offering unique solutions capable of satisfying completely the needs of its clients while using the available resources in the most rational way. It is constantly on the top of the world trends and use in its work the latest achievements in sphere of information technologies. Source:
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De Novo

Supplier, Vendor
De Novo refers to a distinctive sort of companies in the IT services industry of Ukraine. De Novo is an advanced IT company that is focusing its strategy on providing the leading domestic enterprises with high quality and reliable state of the art IT solutions. The guarantee of success in corresponding market segment is the unique experience, accumulated knowledge and professional qualification of De Novo experts. Each De Novo specialist has approximately 13 years of experience in project implementation in the IT industry. Our objective is to maintain a leading position in the competitive IT service industry by providing the outstanding and high standard services. We ensure our customers` business growth, performance improvement and efficiency increase by providing the best practices and solutions, state–of–the–art technologies and vast experience in the informational technology industry. Experience and commitment of each employee is a core value and main asset of the company. We commit to provide each of our team members with opportunities for personal and professional growth.
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CAN ...
ISSP provides best in class products and services for securing organizational information and information systems based on world’s top hardware and software solutions and guided by world`s best practice, international standards, wide experience and deep expertise of its own team of certified engineers and project managers. ISSP is a preferred integration partner with high-level statuses of the world`s top vendors of information security technologies to provide its customers with best in class solutions, integration, maintenance and information security consulting services.
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ARE ...
MONT Group of Companies started its business in 1991 and is now one of the largest software distributors in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia. Today MONT - is: The maximum geographical coverage: branches in all federal districts of Russia, as well as offices in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. And MONT is - not the limit! More than 5,000 partners, among which are leading system integrators with a staff of several thousand employees, and small companies, in which one person often performs the functions and director and purchasing manager and retailer. We strive to provide the same high level of service in the work of all partners. MONT find the approach to everyone! A broad product portfolio, including both long and well-known software products and solutions from the very young and promising players. Integrated project of the customer? MONT have the right solution is always there! Technical expertise and advice. MONT certified specialists provide professional support on a variety of issues ranging from the licensing of software to legal support. Difficult question? MONT help! Key business areas:
  • Classical Distribution: Supply of licenses for traditional scheme (order from a customer placing an order with a distributor, shipping warehouse vendor, partner delivery, installation at the customer)
  • Expert solutions: comprehensive delivery of software products and solutions, as well as pre-Salem, technical and service support projects
  • Cloud services: the provision of remote access to software solutions and applications to create a private cloud (IT infrastructure) companies of all sizes
  • Electronic distribution: software sales channel that allows to deliver electronic keys directly from the vendor online, through a technological platform MONT Webstore
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